Monday, July 2, 2007

Mike and Julie Rhodes generously provided the vehicles for the Church Family Half-union Extravaganza at Pineview lake. We spent hours boating, tubing, riding the waverunners, playing on the beach and I even managed to get in a little wakeboarding.

Jamel and I came up with some interesting was of trying to stay on the same tube, unfortunately I think someone else has those pictures so maybe they can post them for me...hint, hint. At one point I was falling off, fully immersed in the water and with my torso in a dead lock between Jamel's legs. I was flopping like a fish out of water and just when I thought I would meet my fate in the clutches of my nephew's scissor hold, I was finally released and made my way to the surface. Wow, what an embarrassing demise that would have been!

Well, the whole week was a blast and it was the perfect ending to a great half-union. Thanks to everyone that came. Sorry our home isn't bigger, but I am so grateful to my in-laws for providing wonderful accommodations as usual.

Enjoy the pictures!

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