Sunday, July 1, 2007

Church Family Half-union

Hey, everyone! I don't really know how to do this whole blog thing, but Ryan started it so I thought after having so many of the family here this past week for Ian's farewell; it would be a perfect time to make an attempt at a blog that everyone could participate in and post on.

We truly had an exhaustively great time. It was so much fun to see all the cousins interact and become friends. It was also exciting to see Ian set such a great example by serving a mission and enter the MTC this past week. Jamel teased him that he looked biracial now that his hair was so short and curly.

There was the usual musical collaborations with myself, Jamel, Ian and even the kids joined in with their "Mango" song. Ian and Jamel of course wowed them with their skills on the ukulele. Who knew you could sing such an inspirational song about Ethan trying to go poop!

We started off the week with Family Home Evening at the Joseph Smith Memorial to see the movie "The Prophet Joseph Smith." What a powerful film. Moist poignant to me was the reality of Satan trying to "overpower and overtake" Joseph as he prayed. I've read that account a thousand times in JS History, but the reality of it seem to come home with this movie. Of course Satan would try everything in his power to thwart the restoration of the Gospel. I can only try to imagine what that might have been like. Anyway, a great movie, and thanks to Nancy for organizing the FHE.

In fact, thanks to Nancy for a lot of things this past week, especially all the wonderful food. I know, she's my wife and I am biased, but I think the others will attest to her hosting and culinary skills.

On Tuesday night, I think we had about 40 people at our little house to see Elder Patton one last time. The Rhodes and Dixons (sp?) came down from Liberty to say their farewells and well wishes.

On Wednesday morning, we all met down at the church across form LaVell Edwards Stadium where they held the missionary farewell before boarding buses and heading up to the MTC. It brought back a lot of memories for me and I remembered how excited and scared I felt that first night in the MTC. It was hilarious watching Nate hug Ian, then hug the person who just hugged Ian and then hug Ian and/or Jamel again. The kid is a hugging machine. I can only imagine what it will be like when he someday follows in Ian's footsteps to serve a mission (we hope, anyway). There won't be a person in the building he won't have hugged by the time he gets on the bus (or the families have to leave.)

After saying goodbye to Ian we all headed up to the CougarEat for lunch. It was so neat to see all the cousins sitting around the table. You couldn't help but hope they would meet up there again as students at the Y.

Well, I need to get this posted and get to a meeting, but I will get some pictures posted tonight hopefully and tell you all about the Church Family Half-union Boating Extravaganza hosted by the more than generous Mike and Julie Rhodes. It was a day to remember!!!


Kim said...

Thanks, Jay for starting this. I've wondered if we could have a family site that we could all post on. I hope I will be motivated to better log the events of my family and be able to stay updated on everyone else! Thanks for a great week!

Stephanie said...

This is such a great idea! The kids and I have already had such a great time looking at all the pictures and reading everyone's letters. We all had a great time... And this family blog helps cement those memories for us. Thank you! Thanks for the great half-reunion! My only wish is that we had more time and that everyone could have been there...